Here is the cover of my new book HENRIETTA'S HOAX.
If you are familiar with my last book, DEVERELL'S DILEMMA, you will recognize it as a sequel.
Here's a teaser:
Henrietta has a secret. for five years she's hidden behind short hair and scruffy trousers, ducking down alleys and working odd jobs with the other orphaned street lads. But it's only a matter of time before her true identity is discovered. And when her uncle finds her, she'll pay for her defiance.
Nathaniel Bromfield also has a secret. Under his dusty , disheveled exterior, Nat is a young man of wealth and respectable lineage, hiding from the Bow Street Runners and fleeing a bogus murder accusation. He must find a way to survive until his innocence is proven... not so simple without the help of his young orphan friend, Henry White.
Together, Henry and Nat face dangers in the brutal streets of London and learn to rely heavily on each other. But no thieving uncle or murderous street bully can prepare Henrietta for the biggest challenge of her life--telling her best friend she's a girl.
Sparks fly in this lively Regency tale of mistaken identity and hidden affection. Will Henrietta and Nat uncover true love with their friendship ? Or will it remain hidden behind Henrietta's Hoax?
The book should be out in a week or two on Amazon and soon to follow on Kindle.
BTW my blog header and book cover are by Selestiele Design at

Here's a teaser:
Henrietta has a secret. for five years she's hidden behind short hair and scruffy trousers, ducking down alleys and working odd jobs with the other orphaned street lads. But it's only a matter of time before her true identity is discovered. And when her uncle finds her, she'll pay for her defiance.
Nathaniel Bromfield also has a secret. Under his dusty , disheveled exterior, Nat is a young man of wealth and respectable lineage, hiding from the Bow Street Runners and fleeing a bogus murder accusation. He must find a way to survive until his innocence is proven... not so simple without the help of his young orphan friend, Henry White.
Together, Henry and Nat face dangers in the brutal streets of London and learn to rely heavily on each other. But no thieving uncle or murderous street bully can prepare Henrietta for the biggest challenge of her life--telling her best friend she's a girl.
Sparks fly in this lively Regency tale of mistaken identity and hidden affection. Will Henrietta and Nat uncover true love with their friendship ? Or will it remain hidden behind Henrietta's Hoax?
The book should be out in a week or two on Amazon and soon to follow on Kindle.
BTW my blog header and book cover are by Selestiele Design at